When too much is not enough

Working families across the country, the state and Lower Middlesex County struggle because they earn too much for government assistance, but not enough to provide for themselves. When a household budget is pared down to the bone - barely enough to keep a roof overhead, the lights on, and the children warm at night - the family food budget is often the only area left to squeeze.

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The Preserve: Take a hike - fundraising efforts in full gear now

Shoreline residents have heard the words "high-biomass," "vernal pool," "bio-diversity," and, thanks to state Rep. Phil Miller D-Essex, have tried to imagine homes built on a “giant, wet, rocky sponge.” These terms and phrases were passionately used during the 15-year struggle against River Sound Development LLC’s plans for the 1,000 acre forest known as The Preserve.

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Save the menhaden: ‘Lowly’ fish subject of public hearings

If you love osprey, bald eagles, game fishing, gardening, or omega 3 for your heart, then you also love menhaden.

The fish, which is so lowly it’s been used in fertilizer for hundreds of years, has so many uses to people, marine life and birds that managing the menhaden fishery for the benefit of all stakeholders is the subject of a Florida-to-Maine public opinion gathering effort.

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